Service Information

Caller Information

We receive a high volume of calls and may not be able to answer your call right away. Our telephone queue only allows 10 calls at a time. Our call handlers work hard to answer these calls as quickly as possible and we appreciate it can be difficult to get through on your first attempt. 

We thank you for your patience and ask that you are respectful to our call handlers, otherwise your call may be terminated.

Appointment Information

Please arrive 10 minutes BEFORE your appointment time. If you have not arrived by your designated appointment time you may have to be re-booked.   

This is especially important for appointments to insert or remove a contraception method involving a minor procedure (e.g., the implant, hormonal coil or copper coil). This will allow time for necessary investigations, including a urine sample and/or blood pressure check. Should you not arrive in time to do this, we may not be able to complete your procedure during your scheduled appointment.

For all sexual health queries, please call us on 0300 124 0102.


You must now register for a personal health record, PHR, to book online. There are many benefits once you have registered

  • You only need to enter your personal details once
  • More control over booking and cancelling your appointments
  • You can update your demographics so they are always up to date on your medical record
  • Any messages or correspondence we send will go directly to your PHR account. This will give you extra security and peace of mind.

Online STI Testing Kits

If you’re aged 16+ you can order a free STI testing kit online. Find out more about this on our online testing page. If you’re under 16, please call us on 0300 124 0102 for advice on our services.

Oral Contraception (Pills)

You can now order oral contraception (pills) online, simply click here to order.

Before approving your order, a specialist clinician will review your answers and they may need to contact you to ask for further information by text or phone to ensure you are prescribed safely.

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Important Service Information

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