Sexual health clinics for all ages
Did you know that you can book appointments online? Click here or see the 'How to book appointments' section below.
- Beaumont Leys
- Coalville
- Loughborough (appointment only clinic)
- Haymarket Health
- Haymarket Health (appointment only clinic)
- Loughborough (appointment only clinic)
CHOICES (clinics for those aged 24 and under)
For an appointment, please call us on 0300 124 0102.
- New Parks (18s and under)
- Belgrave (18s and under)
- Leicester College - Abbey Park Campus (students only)
- Haymarket Health (18s and under walk-in clinic)
- Loughborough (18s and under walk-in clinic)
For more information, visit our CHOICES clinic page by clicking here.
How to book an appointment:
Our 18s and under clinics and Queue & Wait clinics are available for walk-ins. All of our other clinics require an appointment that is booked in advance. You can do this by calling our service on 0300 124 0102 or booking online.
Our telephone queue only allows 10 calls at a time. Our call handlers work hard to answer these calls as quickly as possible. We appreciate that it is sometimes difficult to get through on your first attempt, and thank you for your patience and respect for our call handlers.
Please arrive 10 minutes BEFORE your appointment time. If you have not arrived by your designated appointment time you may have to be re-booked.