Please see our Service Information page for important updates and appointment information


Main switchboard and general enquires:

0300 124 0102 

Lines are open:

Monday to Friday: 8:15am - 6:15pm

Saturday: 9:15am - 2:15pm

Sundays and Bank Holidays: Closed


Haymarket Health, 1st Floor, Haymarket Shopping Centre, Leicester, LE1 3YT

Sexual Health Service patient feedback:

To make a comment, compliment or complaint about our service please fill out our Patient Experience Survey at one of the links below: 

Leicester Residents

Leicestershire & Rutland Residents

Psychosexual Counselling patient feedback:

To make a comment, compliment or complaint about our Psychosexual Counselling service please click here to fill out our Patient Experience Survey.


You have the right to make a complaint about any aspect of NHS care, treatment or service.

If you have a complaint, we always do our best to resolve your concerns. Many issues can be resolved quickly by speaking directly to a member of staff at our clinics, or by contacting us on 0300 124 0102.

If you wish to make a formal complaint, you can do so by contacting Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Consultations and surveys:

Click here to view our active consultations and surveys so you can have your say and help us provide a better service to the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

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Clinic Changes from 6th January 2025

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